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Our Research

Elements of Participatory Development Driving

Program Success 


Participatory development is one of the major tools for including local participation in development programs and governance. Yet, there has been very little research aimed at systematically understanding how different elements of participatory design contribute to program outcomes. Our project addresses this gap by expanding our understanding of which types and elements of participation are the most effective for engaging community members and positively impacting program outcomes. We utilize data from a nongovernmental organization (NGO) program with robust participatory design elements implemented in 15 different counties in Liberia to see if variation in participatory methods impacts program outcomes, and what elements increase local communities’ sense of ownership of these programs. 

Power Dynamics and Positionality in Civil Society Research in the Global South


This project utilizes case studies from third sector research that we have conducted in the Global South to examine the use of research brokers and researcher positionality. The project contributes to the nascent literature on research brokers, and to the burgeoning literature on researcher positionality, by expanding the discussion to third sector research, by providing concrete examples of experiences that allow us to reflect on issues that arise during the research process, and by helping us be mindful of the realities of the process that require flexibility and adaptation.


Education, Democracy, and Development (EdD): Building Liberian Civil Society Capacity Through Nonprofit Management Education

This project uses participatory action research to improve the quality of life for individuals and communities by building Liberian civil society’s capacity to facilitate development through capacity building and nonprofit management education.

Measuring the Impact of Civil Society on Political Participation in Liberia
This research project increases our understanding of the conditions under which civil society can facilitate political participation in fragile settings. It relies on a field experiment and multi-level modeling to investigate the impact of civil society on various forms of political participation in Liberia, West Africa.

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Promoting Philanthropy for Social Justice Program

Through a collaborative partnership with the Centre for African Philanthropy and Social Impact (CAPSI) at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) in Johannesburg, South Africa, the program will offer a framework for various research projects on the intertwining of philanthropic traditions, institutional settings and configurations, and civil society practices in the United States, Africa, and African diaspora.

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